
Eshu Aroni, Chief Forest/Bush Elemental Spirit

Eshu Aroni mounted in a ganoderma mushroom, a woody fungus I found at the foot of a dead oak tree near my shrine.  Eshu Aroni is the chief elemental spirit of the forest. He works with Osain and knows all the secrets of sacred leaves, herbs, sticks and mushrooms.  Last year, he appeared to me in the form of a  possum with one eye. The deformed possum literally walked up to me as I was making an offering to my Eshu shrine in the forest. 

Eshu Aroni


Eshu The Clown/Eshu Alawada

Eshu The Clown/Eshu Alawada (One-Who-Creates-Humour) Eshu Alawada appeared to me in my dreams in the year 2001. He works with Egbe Orun (Heavenly/Astral Mates) and heals the world through laughter. He's born under the Holy Odu Otura Meji:  "Laughter is the best medicine; it comes from the realm of the immortals. Laughter is the best medicine; it comes from the realm of the inner child. Cast divination for Eshu Alawada (One-Who-Creates-Humour) when coming from heaven to earth. He was advised to offer sacrifice. Eshu Alawada sacrificed his own ego and delivered the healing of laughter to the world."  *This verse was channelled from Otura Meji by Sri Eshu.